Slackware 12.1 Released :D

From the homepage

” Well folks, it’s that time to announce a new stable Slackware release again. So, without further ado, announcing Slackware version 12.1! Since we’ve moved to supporting the 2.6 kernel series exclusively (and fine-tuned the system to get the most out of it), we feel that Slackware 12.1 has many improvements over our last release (Slackware 12.0) and is a must-have upgrade for any Slackware user.”

So as the version 12 release wasn’t enough 12.1 is now here. Currently, I am torrenting (using Halite under Win32 environment) it right now. I am going to install under a VM and post about my experience about it here maybe even write a cheesy review for it, and then possibly switch back to *nix after these past several months with XP. I am excited that it includes that latest kernel which has MUCH better support for my cr@ppy HP Chipset, my fingers are crossed for much improvement. As for the latest KDE (3.x.x) release I really could care less becuase I found that 3.5.7 was stable beyond relief :). If any of you want to know how to make packages for Slackware I would first check out

and If you are a lazy bum like myself I would recommend you check out,

This is an application that can convert source archives with custom switches and all (usually gunzipped tarballs) to Slackware packages (gunnzipped tarrballs šŸ˜‰ just different extension )
Remember Folks: Slackware is the most UNIX-like Linux distro, and no its not UNIX, no where near it! but it keeps the KISS principle to heart; something that almost no other mainstream distro (of importance at least šŸ™‚ ) does. As a user you should expect stability as well as speed and last but not least, simplicity, something that all us slackers enjoy.

If you are looking for UNIX I would check out the openBSD project or FreeBSD (which is what is considered the modern day UNIX)


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